
Sunday 6 May 2012

My Top 10 Chuck Norris Funniest Facts

When Chuck Norris does a push up, he is not lifting himself up, he's just pushing the Earth down.

Chuck Norris doesn't call the wrong number, You answer the wrong phone.

Ghosts sit around campfire and tell Chuck Norris stories.

Chuck Norris won the American Idol using sign languages only

Chuck Norris won the World Series Poker using Pokemon Cards

Chuck Norris will never have a Heart attack, his heart is not nearly foolish to attack him 

When Chuck Norris looks at the mirror, there would be no reflection. There can only be one Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris once killed 37 terrorists using 2 bullets, the first bullet was a warning shot

When it rains, Chuck Norris does not get wet, the rain gets Norrised

When Chuck Norris cries.. 124haosbfjka[02ru

  Hey You! I just round house kicked the one typing this blog entry and slammed his face on the keyboard. Fool was trying to tell everyone that i cry?! You better shut your browser now or i'll get out from your monitor and smack the facts out of your eyes..


(facts source:

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